Church Urban Fund (CUF)
Advent appeal 2024
We were approached by a former client who had moved into a new role and who needed to turn around a complete Advent campaign, for warm and cold audiences, within a very limited timeframe. She came to us, not only as ‘a safe pair of hand ’, but with knowledge that we would bring insight and creativity to the task, as well as the proactivity needed to keep everything on track.
What we did
Full-service delivery of CUFs 2024 Advent campaign, including concepts,
copy, design, and artwork for all print and online elements, plus a radio script, photo brief, and project management, including liaison with media owners and printers.

Logo and campaign identity
The chosen ‘A Wider Welcome’ appeal name successfully echoes the Places of Welcome service that supported Colin, our hero case study. It also indicates that CUF, a Christian charity, embraces people of all faiths and none. We then developed a shortlist of three logo designs, settling on a star, which represents both a source of light and the themes of good news and guidance that are central to the Nativity story. The inward pointing arrows welcome everyone in, while the radiating stars hint at snowflakes; apt for Colin’s story, given his experience of being homeless through winter.

Core DM pack
Telling Colin’s story engagingly and respectfully was vital. This started with the photography brief; to show Colin as having agency and great connections with other people, such as Pastor Dave, who is also featured. The copy, written by our long-term collaborator, Lisa Pember, was informed by a site visit and a face-to-face interview with Colin, which further teased out key facets of his story and helped to build a compelling call to action.

Reminder pack
In the reminder pack, we pick up Colin’s progress and shift the emphasis more towards the donor and their role in such success stories. The enclosed tree decoration, featuring a version of the star lifted from the campaign logo, recognises the donor as a shining example.

Cold insert
The insert quickly draws people inside Colin’s world, through his own reported experience. The prominent use of authentic first-person quotes brings the reader closer to Colin. And the contrast of ‘Last Christmas’ and this Christmas highlights the impact of a gift to CUF.

Small-space ads
The logo was purposefully designed to integrate both words and graphics, so that it would retain its impact in small space print and digital ads. Colin remains front and centre, and where possible, his own words feature prominently.